District 78
Incentives for 2018-2019
Grow Your Club Reward
Clubs that have a net growth 4 members during the Toastmasters year will receive a club banner with the new Toastmasters brand (has the logo shown above). If the club already has a new banner they will receive $100 in district bucks to be used in the Toastmasters International (TI) store for club supplies.
Grow a New Club
Every member who submits a new club lead that turns into a Toastmasters Club will receive a thank you gift from the District.
Pathways Level Completions
Members that achieve three educational awards by the Spring Convention (May 2019) will be recognized for their achievement and receive the Triple Crown Award. May be three Pathways levels, three traditional or a combination of both.
Embracing Change and Distinguished with Pathways
Clubs that achieve 5 DCP goals by March 31 will receive $25 in district bucks to be used in the TI store for club supplies.
Clubs that achieve a minimum of Distinguished in the DCP program with at least 3 Pathways educational goals by June 30th will receive $25 in district bucks to be used in the TI store for club supplies.
Success Plan Initiative
Area Directors that submit completed Club Success plans to the PQD for 75% of their clubs by October 31st. Each club gets $20 in district bucks to be used in the TI store.
Each Area Director that submits their Area Success Plan to the PQD by October 31st gets $25 in district bucks to be used in the TI store.
Each Division Director that submits their Division Success plan to the PQD by October 31st gets $25 in district bucks to be used in the TI store.
Recognition Will Continue for:
Club Sponsors, Mentors, Coaches
D78 Incentives 2018-19
Updated 9/30/2018