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Karl Merbach completing interview for district 78 website October 2016 | Dave Skattum, Jordan Skattum, Rochelle Williams, Kathy Anderson, Bryan Sharp Spring Convention 2013, Helena, MT | |
Second Vice President of Toastmasters International, Jim Kokocki, waiting for things to happen, Spring Convention 2013 in Helena, MT | President's Breakfast Attendees Spring Convention 2013, Helena, MT | President's Breakfast Attendees Spring Convention 2013, Helena, MT |
Mary Lou Hermes introducing herself at President's Breakfast Spring Convention 2013, Helena, MT | Color Guard Spring Convention 2013, Helena, MT | Color Guard Spring Convention 2013, Helena, MT |
Color Guard Spring Convention 2013, Helena, MT | Toastmasters International Second Vice President Jim Kokocki Spring Convention 2013, Helena, MT | 4H Parliamentary Procedure Pros from Montana Spring Convention 2013, Helena, MT |
Briefing for Evaluation Speech Contestants Bryan Sharp, Josh Willprecht, Ben Myhre, Brian Logdson, Linda Trolliey, Arthur Milliken, Becky Drury Spring Convention 2013, Helena, MT | Interviews after Evaluation Speech Contest Linda Trolliey, Arthur Milliken, Becky Drury, Bryan Sharp Spring Convention 2013, Helena, MT | Interview after Evaluation Speech Contest Becky Drury, Bryan Sharp Spring Convention 2013, Helena, MT |
Communication & Leadership Recipient, Coach Mike Van Diest Spring Convention 2013, Helena, MT | Heidi Van Diest and Carol Ann Buffington at Communication & Leadership Luncheon Spring Convention 2013, Helena, MT | Toastmasters International Second Vice President Jim Kokocki and Lt. Governor Education & Training Rochelle Williams Spring Convention 2013, Helena, MT |
Rochelle Williams, Josh Willprecht, Arthur Milliken, Becky Drury, Rich Breiner, Duane Martinz, Carol Ann Buffington, Jim Kokocki Speech Contest Winners Spring Convention 2013, Helena, MT | Arm's Length of 50/50 tickets Spring Convention 2013, Helena, MT | Convention Committee Members Spring Convention 2013, Helena, MT |
Carol Ann Buffington, Arlene Pearsall, Rochelle Williams at 2012 International Speech Semi-Finals in Orlanda, FL. | Rochelle Williams, Michele Blumhagen, Carol Ann Buffington at 2011 International Convention in Las Vegas. |
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